Works   Info is a research project in the form of a website that host an archive of images, texts, videos and sounds reframed through a changing and fragmented narration.
My research started with a database collected during the last seven years. I decided to take a small chunck of the database and to transpose it in a new context. Throught a rhizomatic map, a narration is created between the fragments rearranged by the viewer in different paths in each visits.
Creating a narrative in a digital format allows the project to exist in a bigger context where jumping from tab to tab creates a more vast ecosystem in wich it would become a detail in the hundreds of images, videos and text that we consume everyday.
The name of the project evokes the files and data that we amass in our existence online. What happens to all of these objects? How do they all interact? How can they become material to build new forms of narration?